Week One: Climate Change and Energy Management by Hira and Dr Jacques

Revamp Rave Network
5 min readJul 29, 2022


Climate Change and Energy Management are two critical topics sparking more global concern as energy production and consumption become the largest cause of greenhouse gas emissions.

Week One: Climate Change and Energy Management by Hira and Jacques

There’s no doubt that our energy use and production have a massive impact on the climate, and the converse is also increasingly true. Climate change can alter our energy generation potential and energy needs in numerous ways, e.g., changes to the water cycle; this impacts hydropower; warmer temperatures increase the energy demand for cooling in the summer and decrease the need for heating in the winter.

Week One: Climate Change and Energy Management by Hira and Jacques

The energy sector is critical in countries’ efforts to develop and implement long-term strategies to meet climate goals. Accordingly, many international organisations, such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), have assessed the impact of energy sector policies (buildings, industry, transport, among others) on the projected path of GHG emissions and the implications for meeting the world’s climate goal under the Paris Agreement; to hold the increase in global average temperature to well below 2oC above preindustrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the rise to 1.5oC.

Revamp Rave Network held the first class of the Second Virtual Cohort Programme on Climate Change on the 7th of May 2022. The topic “Climate Science and Energy was taught by Hira Wajahat — Founder of CleanTech Republik, and Jacques Kouazounde — Climate Change Mitigation and GHG inventories Expert for Nigeria Climate Change Response Programme.

Hira mentioned that energy consumption has doubled in the past 30 years. Therefore, carbon dioxide created by consuming fossil fuels will continue to be a significant issue if we continue to consume energy the way we do globally or locally. Furthermore, daily the increase in Carbon Footprint emitted from critical activities such as the transport systems, electricity consumption in the conduct of our individual and household activities has proved to cause many ecological damages influence both human life and species extinction to mention these.

Week One: Climate Change and Energy Management by Hira and Jacques

Nevertheless, reducing energy consumption requires some steps we can take to save energy in the Energy Priority Triangle. These steps are Conservation which are actions to take in our everyday life to conserve energy which includes turning off the lights when not in use; Energy Efficiency which are the actions taken to have smaller carbon footprints like using LED bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs; Renewable Energy which is the use of clean energy solutions that have less carbon footprint like wind and solar instead of coal; Reduce Pollution which is the efforts to reduce carbon emissions such as reduce, reuse and recycle and lastly; Offset which is the reduction of emissions in one location to account for the emissions in another location that cannot be reduced.

Week One: Climate Change and Energy Management by Hira and Jacques

Climate change is an atmospheric phenomenon caused by the accumulation of GHG emissions from human activities and the energy sector according to IPCC, 2006 comprises of exploration and exploitation of primary energy sources, conversion of primary energy sources into more useable energy forms in refineries and power plants, transmission and distribution of fuels, use of fuels in stationary and mobile applications and Emissions arise from these activities by combustion and as fugitive emissions, or escape without combustion.

Week One: Climate Change and Energy Management by Hira and Jacques
Week One: Climate Change and Energy Management by Hira and Jacques

Emission Trends for the Energy sector in Nigeria

The percentage of energy in the energy industries in Nigeria, Dr Jacques stated as follows; electricity generation equals 82 per cent, other categories like Residential; Institutional and Commercial Sectors equals 91.4 per cent; Transport like Road transport 95.7 per cent and specifically Cars equals 61 per cent, Natural Gas component 32 per cent, Oil extraction activities equals 68 per cent.

He stated that Nigeria contributes 126 to the world’s global emissions, China 10,668, USA 4713. Therefore, we need to take some initiatives to reduce our gas emissions to fulfil our quota to the Paris Agreement even when we contribute the minimum. Some of the actions Nigeria is taking include the Nigerian National Biofuels Program implemented by NNPC to produce low carbon fuels like biofuels, the National Energy Policy to ensure the development of the nation’s energy resources and energy efficiency, The Sustainable Energy for All Action Agenda to promote renewable energy in Nigeria, National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Policy to strengthen penetration of renewable energy and energy efficiency, Large Scale Hydro Power Project to enhance hydropower development through the construction and rehabilitation of dams for electricity generation and Clean Development Mechanisms projects.

Week One: Climate Change and Energy Management by Hira and Jacques

Some other examples of measures taken by Nigeria under the production and use of Renewable Energy include the Production of sugar for local use and export, ethanol and ultimately electricity, the Development of 11 biofuel production complexes in Ekiti state; Establishing an integrated Rice Processing and Power Generating Facility; Incorporation micro-generation of electricity, mainly solar and Bioenergy in housing schemes; Adoption of clean stoves and solar lighting systems; Distribute 30 million clean and energy-efficient cookstoves in 5 years.

Nigeria, in mitigating climate change in the energy sector, has committed to reducing its Greenhouse Gas (GHGs) emissions unconditionally by 20% per cent and conditionally by 47% come 2030 in line with its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) pledge.

Anticipate our closing event.

Written by
Caroline Yusuf
RRN, Content Manager



Revamp Rave Network
Revamp Rave Network

Written by Revamp Rave Network

Rethinking and redefining climate education for women, children and youths 💚 1st Virtual Cohort Programme on Climate Change in Africa

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