Community Sensitisation on Climate Change and Action
Community sensitisation on climate change action and the environment is vital to help build back better because communities are the heart of climate action. Their inclusion in our fight for climate justice is essential to achieve the decade of ecosystem restoration and the decade of action.
For so long, communities have been left out in the climate conversation. They’ve had decisions made on their behalf and have faced many environmental degradations. From their activities and that of industries situated in their communities, from harnessing local resources and merely conducting their domestic activities, many coastal communities such as Agoro have lived under harsh environmental conditions.
The United Nations Environment Programme Adaptation Gap Report 2020 states that as temperatures rise and climate change impacts intensify. “Its impacts will intensify and hit vulnerable countries and communities the hardest.
One would ask, who are the most vulnerable to climate change?
The vulnerable are those living in coastal communities; they lack access to climate information and knowledge; they lack the know-how to adapt to climate disasters due to a lack of climate education, relevant skills, and technical know-how to birth relevant innovations in building resilience.
They are our women, children, our brothers and sisters with disabilities. These people are live mainly in rural, urban, peri-urban and majorly live in shanty homes located close to the coast.
On Saturday, the 14th of May, Revamp Rave Network moved into Agoro to educate, sensitise and inform Kadara, Coat and Market street about climate change and the many activities that could utter the ecosystem their lives. The advocacy and awareness drive on climate change was to inform the community about the effects of climate change on their health and sensitise them to plastic pollution. At the same time, our partnering organisation spoke on waste to wealth conversion.
We aim to keep educating and create climate change awareness while we advocate for an inclusive environment. Through our efforts, we hope to solve the various environmental and social issues exiting in our host community — Agoro, through partnering with relevant organisations to actualise our project goals.
The awareness drive is the second pathway to achieve the short term goals for the “Kadara Waste Reduction Project”.
We say a big thank you to Folabomi Foundation for partnering with us to give the children of Agoro community clothes to help them fit back into their everyday lives after the fire outbreak.
There is no excuse for non-inclusion in climate discussion or training to build resilience with access to climate information.
The project‘s short term goal is in four pathway. It involves;
Youth Capacity Building Project on Climate Change held on the 8th of May.
Climate change education, awareness, environmental sensitisation — 5th of May
Introduction of Dori woman — a recycling empowerment programme — formerly 29th of May but now 22nd of May.
And a cleanup exercise — 5th of June 2021
See our campaign documentary which premiered on the 14th of May, 2021. Kindly subscribe and follow us on all our social media platform.
Would you like to join, collaborate and partner with us to impact the people of Agoro by spreading the climate change action message? join us by sending us a direct message on any of our social media handle.
Written by
Godiya Zambwa — Communications
Revamp Rave Network
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